Friday, January 25, 2013

The walls will fall-Joshua 6:5

Today's Bible Verse: They will make one loud noise from the trumpets. When you hear that noise, tell all the people to begin shouting. When you do this, the walls of the city will fall down and your people will be able to go straight into the city.” Joshua 6:5 ERV

Today's Prayer

Jesus tore down my walls. I remember Your great victory on the cross LORD Jesus and thank You for breaking down the walls of my sin and shame that separated me from God. Your grace has made me an insider and nothing can separate me from Your love that heals the brokenhearted. I draw near through Your precious blood and ask You to use me in spreading this great message of deliverance to my family and people in the marketplace who sit captive behind the walls of sin and condemnation. In Jesus' name I pray

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POWER: God's Word has the power to save your soul - James 1:21

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