Wednesday, July 3, 2013

33 Parables of Jesus in Alphabetical Order

The barren fig tree Galilee Lu 13:6-9.
The net cast into the sea Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:47-50.
The friend at midnight needing loaves of bread  Near Jerusalem Lu 11:5-8.
The good Samaritan Near Jerusalem Lu 10:29-37.
The Good Shepherd Jerusalem Joh 10:1-18.
The great supper Perea Lu 14:15-24.
The hid treasure in a field Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:44.
The widow who keeps coming Perea Lu 18:1-8.
The householder and hired laborers for the day Perea Mt 20:1-16.
The leaven Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:33; Lu 13:20, 21.
The lost piece of money Perea Lu 15:8-10.
The lost sheep Perea Mt 18:12-14; Lu 15:3-7.
The marriage of the king's son Jerusalem Mt 22:1-14.
The mustard seed Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:31, 32; Mr 4:30-32; Lu 13:18, 19.
The nobleman and his servants who received talents Jericho Lu 19:11-27.
The pearl of great price Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:45, 46.
The Pharisee and publican who prayed Perea Lu 18:9-14.
The prodigal son and loving father Perea Lu 15:11-32.
The unprofitable servant who does his duty Perea Lu 17:7-10.
The rich fool who build barns and laid up treasure for himself  Galilee Lu 12:16-21.
The rich man and Lazarus Perea Lu 16:19-31.
The seed growing secretly Seashore of Galilee Mr 4:26-29.
The sower and the seeds Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:3-9, 18-23; Mr 4:3-9, 14-20; Lu 8:5-8, 11-15.
The strong man's house Galilee Mt 12:29; Mr 3:27; Lu 11:21, 22.
The talents Mount of Olives Mt 25:14-30.
The tares and wheat Seashore of Galilee Mt 13:24-30, 36-43.
The ten virgins who were wise and foolish Mount of Olives Mt 25:1-13.
The two debtors who were forgiven much Capernaum Lu 7:40-43.
The two sons Jerusalem Mt 21:28-32.
The unclean spirit is gone out of a man Galilee Mt 12:43-45; Lu 11:24-26.
The unjust steward who was wise Perea Lu 16:1-8.
The unforgiving servant  Capernaum Mt 18:21-35.
The wicked husbandmen who killed the heir Jerusalem Mt 21:33-44; Mr 12:1-12; Lu 20:9-18.

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GLORY: Give glory to the LORD your God - Jeremiah 13:16

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