Sunday, January 24, 2016

Overview Of The Bible in One-Liners

The Whole Bible in One-Liners by Carol Smith 
·         Genesis – God created the world, gave us the choice to love Him, and began His plan to restore us through a good man named Abraham.
·         Exodus – In Egypt, Abraham’s descendants grew into the Hebrew nation, then they headed back home.
·         Leviticus – God gives the Hebrews guidelines for worship and sanitation to survive their journey.
·         Numbers – Because of their lack of faith, the Hebrews take a forty-year detour through the desert.
·         Deuteronomy – Moses says good-bye, gives a history lesson, and gives some guidelines for loving and worshiping God.
·         Joshua – The Hebrews resettled their land, after over four hundred years away, by chasing out squatters in every city.
·         Judges – The Hebrews organize into a nation back in their homeland and are led by wise judges.
·         Ruth – One family’s story about God’s provision.
·         1 Samuel & 2 Samuel – Samuel leads Israel, then he anoints King Saul. After Saul, King David rules and his family suffers.
·         1 Kings & 2 Kings –Solomon ruled Israel, then the kingdom divided in two. Finally the Hebrews are exiled to foreign lands.
·         1 Chronicles & 2 Chronicles – Israel’s story from David’s reign until the exile into Babylon, but from a spiritual (not political) perspective.
·         Ezra – The Hebrews returned from Babylon (where they were in exile) and rebuilt the temple.
·         Nehemiah – More Hebrews returned from Babylon and rebuilt Jerusalem’s wall.
·         Esther – The Hebrews survived exile in Persia because of a Jewish royal beauty contest winner.
·         Job – Bad times don’t change the nature of God.
·         Psalms – Lyric sheets from Old Testament temple worship. Songs about facing life and worshiping God.
·         Proverbs – Nuggets of wisdom for dealing with everyday life.
·         Ecclesiastes – I had it all, and it didn’t mean anything with God. Sincerely, King Solomon.
·         Song of Songs – I’m passionately in love, and I can’t stop thinking about her! By Solomon.
·         Isaiah – Pay attention. God has a master plan in the works and we need to be a part of it.
·         Jeremiah – Prepare to face the consequences of living apart form God. Know that God’s plan is still in place.
·         Matthew – Hey Hebrews, Jesus is the Messiah and King that God promised through the prophets and here’s how I know.
·         Mark – Hey Romans, Jesus was a servant-king. Look what He did!
·         Luke – Amazing news! Jesus is God and yet totally human. He understands our journey.
·         John – It’s really true. Jesus Christ is God Himself.
·         Acts – A new church is born: Jesus’ sacrifice makes us right with God. Spread the good news to all of the world.
·         Romans – Dear church, the only way we can be right with God is through faith.
·         1 Corinthians – Dear church, don’t be like the world around you. Be who God made you to be, pure and effective.
·         2 Corinthians – Dear church, here’s who I am. Now let me tell you who you should be.
·         Galatians - Dear church, you can’t earn God’s approval by obeying rules. It takes faith.
·         Ephesians - Dear church, receive God’s amazing love for you. Then, love each other well.
·         Philippians - Dear church, knowing you brings joy to me. Knowing God brings joy to all of us.
·         Colossians - Dear church, faith in Christ is enough. Don’t add anything else to it.
·         1 Thessalonians - Dear church, look forward to Christ’s return!
·         2 Thessalonians - Dear church, look forward to Christ’s return, but keep living full lives and working hard!
·         1 Timothy – Dear Tim, you’re doing well. Here are some things to remember about leading a church.
·         2 Timothy – Dear Tim, come soon. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here. Keep the faith.
·         Titus – Dear Titus, here are some helpful hints about leading your church.
·         Philemon – Dear Philemon, forgive Onesimus not as a runaway, but as a brother in the faith.
·         Hebrews – To all Jewish Christians: Now that Christ has come, focus on Him rather than the rituals that pointed you to Him.
·         James – Yes, salvation is by faith, but faith without actions is useless.
·         1 Peter & 2 Peter – These are difficult times! Let your faith help you endure. Don’t let go just because troubles come.
·         1 John – God is love. Ignore false teaching, live righteously. Love each other. Know that Jesus was God in the flesh.
·         2 John – Keep your chin up and your hearts open, but keep a close watch on your faith.
·         3 John – Keep up the good work! I’ll be there soon to deal with the power struggle.
·         Jude – Watch out for people who use God’s grace as an excuse for irresponsibility!
·         Revelation – Here’s the last page of world history – the end of the world as we know it.

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