Thursday, December 17, 2015

Miracles - Mark 16:17

Bible verses about Miracles - Keep Reading

Holy Scripture of the day about believers in Jesus have power to perform miracles

Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues; if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on sick people, and these will get well.”  Mark 16:17-18 GNT


Belief Statement: I am a miracle of Jesus. Keep reading


Prayer to perform miracles through the power of Jesus

Abba Father, I believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Forgive me for doubting and placing limitations on how You want to use me and other believers in being instruments of Your wonder-working power. Holy Spirit, infuse me with power from on high so I can help someone today believe in Jesus so they can experience His miraculous power. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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GOOD: Everything good that you have comes from the Father of Lights - James 1:17

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