Wednesday, June 19, 2019

CHOSEN: God will shorten the time of calamity for His chosen - Matthew 24:22

Holy scripture of the day about God will shorten the time of calamity for the sake of His chosen ones - Learn more


For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones. Matthew 24:21-22

Truth: “In this world, you will have calamity. But take heart! Jesus has overcome the world and He is with you until the end.” - Jesus

Prayer to not lose faith in time of calamity & natural disasters

God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore I will not despair nor be afraid in times of disaster. Holy Spirit guide me to someone today that is facing a crisis and is in anguish. Help me be a source of hope by being a loving Christian and caring friend who points them to Christ Jesus our Savior. Hosanna.

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