Monday, July 25, 2022

STRENGTH: The Lord steps in to give you strength - Psalm 138:3

The word of hope for today about the Lord steps in to give you strength - Read more scriptures about strength 

The moment I called out, You stepped in; You made my life large with power. Psalm 138:3 MSG

Poem: "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH" by Margaret Cagle**
When you are sad and feeling blue
And really don't know what to do,
Open God's Word, and you can read
Scriptures to give you the strength you need.

"The joy of the Lord is your strength."
God's joy can end depression's length,
So don't mope around with a long, sad face
If you have accepted God's merciful grace.

**Read more of Margaret's poem by clicking HERE

Praise & Prayer for divine strength

You, Father God, are my Rock of unfailing strength when I feel weak. Lord Jesus, it's Your joy that enlarges my strength to press ahead and not give up when I am weary. Holy Spirit, please come upon me and fill me with supernatural power so I can be a source of strength and comfort to someone today who is vulnerable. Renew their strength as I share this wonderful scripture and the moment we pray in the mighty name of Christ Jesus, our Savior.

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