Thursday, August 24, 2023

ENLIGHTENMENT: The eyes of your heart will be enlightened - Ephesians 1:18

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people.  Ephesians 1:18 NIV

Poem: "LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE" by Caleb Davis Bradlee*

O let your light shine, all clear and all bright,
Fear not to speak what you know to be right;
Hide not the thoughts that God puts in your heart,
And ever be glad thy strength to impart.

O let your light shine, do all that you may
To help those in darkness find the true way!
Then out of heaven, a grand blessing will come,
A voice will be heard - oh hear it - "Well done! "
Click HERE to read more of this poem

Prayer & Praise

Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Light of the world who saved me from darkness and translated me into Your marvelous light. Please help me to see with clarity the hope that You have called me to embrace. Holy Spirit, keep reminding me of the wonderful blessings and everlasting riches that are promised to those who have faith in Jesus. Guide me to a family member or person in the marketplace who is experiencing fear and despair today because the eyes of their heart are blinded by the evil one. O LORD, please enlighten the eyes of their heart to see and believe in You through. Use my care and concern to flood Your light into their spirit. I pray for their salvation in Your mighty name. Hosanna!

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