Friday, September 8, 2023

CITIZEN: You are a citizen and member of God's family - Ephesians 2:19

Q: Are you heavenly ready with your passport in hand?

So then, you Gentiles are not foreigners or strangers any longer; you are now citizens together with God's people and members of the family of God. Ephesians 2:19 ERV

Poem: "CITIZEN OF HEAVEN" by Bill Kochman
I am a citizen of Heaven,
I know that is where I belong,
God sent His Son with a message,
And I heard His invitation song.

I have always felt so different,
As if this world is not my home,
God revealed His truth to me,
It's written in His holy tome.

In Phillipains Paul tells us,
Our true Kingdom is from above,
God and Jesus both designed it,
A wonderful city filled with love.

Praise & Prayer to know my heavenly citizenship
Loving Father, my heart sings with fullness of joy for Your infallible Word which assures me that I am a citizen of heaven. I praise and worship You for Christ Jesus who saved me and made me a member of Your family. Lord Jesus, no words can express the gratitude I feel in my heart for my new birth and new identity as a citizen of heaven that You've given me. Holy Spirit, please guide me to a person who is without a family and feels desolate. Use my care to help them hear and believe this wonderful truth of God's heart of inclusivity, which longs for them to become a citizen of heaven through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray in Jesus' almighty name. Amen

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