Friday, December 29, 2023

TIMES: Do not be afraid, your times (future) are in God's hands - Psalms 31:15

My times are in Your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me. Let Your face shine on Your servant; save me in Your unfailing love. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. Psalms 31:15,16,24

Quote: "Faith is not knowing what the future holds; faith is knowing the One who holds the future."

Praise & Prayer
My heart is at peace, and my soul is secure, O LORD because my times (life and future) are in Your hands. As I reflect on 2023, I am filled with gratitude for the ways You have been my refuge and strength in times of trouble. I praise You for Christ's love that never fails to cast out all fear and worry from my heart. I praise You for the eternal hope that You have gifted me in Christ Jesus, which the thief (devil) can never steal, kill, or destroy. I am grateful for the abundance of good things You bestowed upon me in 2023 and the abundance of blessings that You've stored up in 2024 for those who trust and obey You. Lord Jesus, please guide me as I seek to live a life of faith that pleases God in this new year. I give all praise, honor, and glory to You and our Loving Father. AMEN.

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