Thursday, January 18, 2024

PJ: You're the pride and joy of our Master Jesus - 1 Thessalonians 2:19 MSG

Do you have any idea how very homesick we became for you, dear friends? Even though it hadn’t been that long, and it was only our bodies that were separated from you, not our hearts, we tried our very best to get back to see you. You can’t imagine how much we missed you! I, Paul, tried over and over to get back, but Satan thwarted us each time. Who do you think we’re going to be proud of when our Master Jesus appears if it’s not you? You’re our pride and joy! 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 MSG

Praise & Prayer
Lord Jesus, I kneel before Your presence and thank You for saving me and adopting me into God's family. My heart is filled with glorious expectations of being eternally united with family members, friends, and fellow believers in heaven who have accepted You as their LORD. This beautiful promise assures me that in Christ Jesus, there are no goodbyes but only "I'll see you again." Please help me, Holy Spirit, to value and love others as Jesus loves me and to see family and fellow believers with the eyes of Paul as my pride and joy. I confess Christ Jesus as my Lord and pray in His precious name.

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