Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kindness-Job 6:14

Why is it important to practice and show kindness to others? Today's Bible Verse instructs us in understanding that kindness towards others is the manifestation of our reverence to God. It's a contradiction to say you that love God and are unkind or mean-spirited towards people. How can you say you love God whom you've never seen, and are rude, cynical, and unloving? God kindness has appeared through the sacrifice of His beloved Son on the cross who died for you. God will grant you opportunities today to show forth His loving kindness. Pray today's prayer and remember to do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Verse About Kindness

“Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty. Job 6:14 NIV

Prayer of kindness towards others

God's lovingkindness is great towards me. Lord Jesus, I want to bring honor to Your name today by showing kindness to my family and people You place in my path. Deliver me from being self-centered and turn me into a channel of kindness that is a blessing to the less fortunate. In Your blessed name I pray.

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