Friday, May 3, 2013

The Almighty gives me life-Job 33:4

Why does my life feel so empty and pointless? This was a common question I asked myself over and over again in my teen years and early adulthood. I was searching for purpose of life in relationships, sex, drugs, alcohol, material things, and money. The void in me only got worse and worse as family and friends disappointed me and the things I relied upon failed me. Then one dark night, I prayed in my despair and asked God for His help. I chose to surrender my life to Jesus and His Lordship. The Almighty breathed His Spirit into my life and things began to change. The yes of my heart were opened and began to understand how I was created by God and born with a deep and vast void that is spiritual or eternal. None of the temporal things in this world were able to fill the void that I felt inside. ONLY JESUS, WHO IS ETERNAL LIFE FILLED MY EMPTINESS AND MADE MY LIFE COMPLETE. I encourage you to turn to Jesus and give Him a chance to make you whole.   

"So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority." Colossians 2:10 NIV

"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men." John 1:4 ERV 

Verse about life through God's Spirit

The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4 NIV 

Prayer for life and freedom from emptiness

It is the Spirit who gives me life; human nature is of no help! Heavenly Father, I thank You for gift of eternal life that You have given me through faith in Jesus Christ. I recognize that apart from Him, my life is nothing but a big void. Breath the power of Your Holy Spirit into me today that I may experience abundant life and be a ray of hope to lifeless souls who need a new start and a new life that is found in Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen

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GOOD: Everything good that you have comes from the Father of Lights - James 1:17

My dear brothers and sisters, don’t be fooled about this . Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from Him. These good gifts ...