Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Faith Speaks - Hebrews 11:4

389 Bible Verses About Faith - Read more  

Why did God accept Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's? Read more

Bible verse of the day about faith speaking through your actions

Cain and Abel both offered sacrifices to God. But Abel offered a better sacrifice to God because he had faith. God said he was pleased with what Abel offered. And so God called him a good man because he had faith. Abel died, but through his faith he is still speaking. Hebrews 11:4 ERV


Prayer to have faith that speaks

My faith speaks. Father God, I want my faith to speak loudly like Abel's through my actions, showing that I trust in You and not in myself. I want to be a living sacrifice that is pleasing to Your heart and brings honor to the name of Jesus in the marketplace. Speak to me O Lord and use me this day to help inspire someone like a Cain who lacks faith and is narcissistic and self-centered. I pray in the mighty name of JESUS. Amen.

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