Wednesday, November 25, 2020

HAPPY THANKSGIVING: Give thanks to Adonai (MASTER) for He is good to you - Psalm 136

The Holy Scripture for Today about thanking God for His grace & love

1 Give thanks to Adonai [Master, LORD], for He is good, for His grace continues forever. 

2 Give thanks to the God of gods, for His grace continues forever. 

3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for His grace continues forever; 

4 To Him who alone has done great wonders, for His grace continues forever;

5 To Him who skillfully made the heavens, for His grace continues forever; 

6 To Him who spread out the earth on the water, for His grace continues forever; 

7 To Him who made the great lights, for His grace continues forever; 

8 The sun to rule the day, for His grace continues forever; 

9 The moon and stars to rule the night, for His grace continues forever; 

23 Who remembers us whenever we are brought low, for His grace continues forever; 

24 And rescues us from our enemies, for His grace continues forever; 

25 Who provides food for every living creature, for His grace continues forever. 

26 Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His grace continues forever. Psalm 136: 1-9, 23-26 CJB 


Quote: "Your level of gratitude determines your altitude." - Hector Perez


Prayer of Thanksgiving

My heart is full of thanks Father God as I read this wonderful Psalm and say a "BIG AMEN". We turn to You, the God of miracles for healing, hope, and protection from COVID. I praise You, Sovereign God, for remembering us when our hearts are afraid. I praise You, Sovereign God, for surrounding every believer with Your unfailing love that casts out all fear from our hearts and minds. I praise You, Sovereign God, for comforting family members and friends who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus. I praise You, Sovereign God, that You will help medical specialists develop a vaccine for the virus. Holy Spirit, infuse me with steadfast faith and unconquerable courage so I can be an influence of hope to my family and people in the marketplace who feel insecure by pointing them to Christ Jesus our Mighty Savior. Hosanna in the highest! 



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