Tuesday, November 24, 2020

FAITHFUL: God is faithful and kind to you - Psalm 40:10

The living word for today about God is faithful and kind to you - Read more verses about God's faithfulness 

I tell everyone everywhere the truth of Your righteousness. And You know I haven’t held back in telling the message to all. I don’t keep it a secret or hide the truth. I preach of Your faithfulness and kindness, proclaiming your extravagant love to the largest crowd I can find! Psalm 40:9-10 TPT

Quote: "God is not a deceiver, that He should offer to support you, and then when you lean upon His faithfulness, He should slip away from you." – Augustine

Today's Prayer

I am thankful to have a God who lavishes me with extravagant love and fulfills 100% of His promises. I realize faithful Father that the acid test of my faith in You is revealed when I am tested in times of trouble. Empower me Holy Spirit with unwavering faith in the Lord when I face adversity or am disappointed with the lack of human support. Help me to recall God's great faithfulness and the innumerable ways He has come through for me in the past so I never lose hope. Guide people across my path today who feel stressed or are facing a personal crisis. Grant me an opportunity to tell them about our trustworthy Father who does the impossible for those who rely upon His faithfulness and call upon the mighty name of Christ Jesus. Hosanna in the highest!

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