Monday, January 11, 2021

VICTORIES: God commands victories for you - Psalm 44:4

The Word of life for today about God commands victories for you - Read more verses about victory

You are my King and my God. You command victories for Israel. Psalm 44:4 NLT


Quote: "The key to victories in my life is the recognition that 'The LORD is near if I call on Him in truth.'"  - Hector Perez


Prayer for victories

Here I am before Your presence my King and my God in complete surrender. I ask You to command victories for my family, friends, and our nation who need wins over hopelessness, political divide, and empty deceit. Empower me Holy Spirit to speak victory to people who walk by sight and feel crushed by thoughts of defeat. Use me to help point them to Christ Jesus, the King of kings and LORD of lords who is victorious over sin, death, and darkness. Help me communicate the good news of unending hope that is found in Christ Jesus, my Wonderful Savior.


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