Tuesday, May 24, 2022

SPARED: The Lord's unfailing love spares your life - Psalm 119:88

The living word for today is about God's unfailing love that spares your life. Read more verses about spared by God 

In Your unfailing love, spare my life; then I can continue to obey Your laws. Psalm 119:88   

KAF/KAPH - verses 81-88 (is the 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet which means: Palm of a hand; Spoon; Crown)

Truth: God Holds YOU In The Palm Of His Hand!

Quote: "The wages of sin and death spare no one; that's why Jesus died to save and spare you from eternal hell [the realm of hopelessness and endless suffering]." - Hector Perez

Praise for being spared by God & Prayer

Abba Father, I praise You for sending Christ Jesus to save me from a disastrous future. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for placing me in the palm of Your gracious hands and sparing my life from the death sentence that I rightfully deserved for my transgressions. You have gifted me a new and noncancelable lease on a life filled with purpose and eternal hope. Please guide me, Holy Spirit, to a soul who feels useless, worn out, and unlucky. Grant me an opportunity to share this wonderful truth about God's passion for sparing and saving all who call upon Jesus and confess Him as LORD. Hosanna!

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