Thursday, July 28, 2022

PURPOSE: Adonai will fulfill His purpose for you - Psalm 138:8

The living word for today about Adonai will fulfill His purpose for you - Read more Bible Verses About Purpose

Adonai [Lord/Ruler] will fulfill His purpose for me. Your grace, Adonai, continues forever. Don't abandon the work of your hands! Psalm 138:8 CJB

Quote: "God specializes in salvaging meaningless people and transforms them into beautiful creations of purposefulness." - Hector Perez

Praise & Prayer for purpose in life

I praise You, gracious Father, for loving imperfect and messed-up individuals like me. The moment I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, the transformation started, and You began Your excellent work within me. I am confident that You will continue Your work in me until it is finally completed on the day when Christ returns. Holy Spirit, please guide someone across my path today who has a severed relationship with Jesus and feels like life has no purpose. Grant me the opportunity to ask them the question, "What's your purpose in life?" and to listen with respect. Lord Jesus, I ask You to please allow them to experience the start of a purposeful life if they confess You as their personal Lord and Savior. Hosanna, in Your almighty name!

Question of the day: In 12 words or less, can you describe your purpose in life?

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PATIENT: Stand firm and be patient for the Lord's coming is near - James 5:8

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently...