Wednesday, August 10, 2022

MARVELOUS: You are marvelously made by God - Psalm 139:13

The word of truth for today about you are marvelously made by God - 

Oh yes, You shaped me first inside, then out; You formed me in my mother's womb. I thank You, High God—You're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! Psalm 139:13-14 MSG 

POEM: "Created By God" by Margaret Cagle
I ate some tasty, yummy cookies
Made by a nice, wonderful baker.
I saw a rich man's Rolex watch
Made intricately by a watchmaker.

I gazed upon a stately steed
Galloping across the barren land.
I knew that horse did not evolve.
He was made by the Creator's hand.

Do all things just fall in place?
No, they have a Maker, you see.
We did not evolve from monkeys.
There's none in my family tree.

"Fearfully and wonderfully made,"
That describes our Creator's art
When He made each one of us
In His image and set us apart.

You will never find evolution
In the precepts of God's Word.
When we read and believe the Bible,
Evolution's theory seems absurd.

Question: Do you perceive yourself to be a phenomenon (one of a kind) or a masterpiece (intelligent design) of God? 

Praise & Prayer to perceive I am a created

Almighty Creator, how grateful I am to be a child of Yours. I praise You for reminding me through this promise that I am fearfully and wonderfully created by You, my Maker. Your works are awesome; I know that full well. Please help me, Holy Spirit, to portray God's magnificent love and amazing grace to family members and people in the marketplace who are skeptics. Guide me, Holy Spirit, to someone today who is being bombarded by the devil's lies who tells them, "you are an accident and have no value or purpose in life." Grant me the opportunity to share how God created us to be His incredible masterpieces in Christ Jesus. I ask this in Jesus' mighty name. 

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