Tuesday, June 27, 2023

GOODNESS: God is always giving you good things - Acts 14:17

“In the past God let all the nations do what they wanted. But God was always there doing the good things that prove He is real. He gives you rain from heaven and good harvests at the right times. He gives you plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” Acts 14:16-17 NIV

Poem"GOD IS GOOD" by John Oxenham*
I faced a future all unknown,
No opening could I see,
I heard without the night wind moan,
The ways were dark to me,--
"I cannot face it all alone
O be Thou near to me!"

God works today as He did of old
For the lightening of men's woes.
His wonders never can be told,
His goodness no man knows,--
His Love, His Power, His Tenderness,--
Nor shall do till life's close.

His kindness is so very great,
His greatness is so good.
He looks upon my low estate,
He gives me daily food.
And nothing is too small for Him,--
Yes, truly! God is good. 
*Click HERE to read the full poem

Praise & Prayer of thanks for God's goodness
Dear Lord Jesus, I am in awe of Your decision to leave Heaven and come to Earth as a man to prove the reality of God's goodness through the gifts of love, mercy, and compassion that You bestowed upon all who came in contact with You. Your selfless sacrifice and immense love are beyond compare, and I can never thank You enough for the goodness You have shown me since the day I asked You to be my Lord. Holy Spirit, please help me to never doubt God's goodness, especially during difficult trials that test my faith. Help me combat the lies and pessimistic thoughts that the devil repeatedly fires at me to create doubt and fear. Help me to show care and compassion to those who are going through personal crises and losing hope. May my actions be a sign that strengthens their faith and reminds them that God is good. I pray for their encouragement in Jesus' mighty name.

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