Friday, June 23, 2023

GRACE: The Lord sends you a message of grace - Acts 14:2

So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of His grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders. But some of the people in the city agreed with the Jews who did not believe Paul and Barnabas. Others followed the apostles. So the city was divided. Acts 14:3 NIV/ERV

QUOTE: "Although others may possess more education, experience, talent, wealth, or notoriety than you, the grace of God will infuse you with the divine power through the Holy Spirit to perform incredible signs and wonders that will positively impact people's lives for eternity." - Hector Perez. 

Praise & Prayer to be bold in sharing the good news of God's grace
The blessing of Your undeserved favor (grace) is what I need most in my life, Lord Jesus. I will not be intimidated by opposers of the gospel who speak ill of me and seek to cause division as Paul and Barnabus experienced. Please fill my heart with boldness Holy Spirit, so I am fearless to speak and to spread the message of God's grace to unbelievers whose hearts are ready to receive and believe the good news of salvation. Enable me this day to perform signs and wonders that bring honor and glory to my Lord Jesus Christ. I pray in His mighty name. 

Click HERE to read Bible verses about GOD's GRACE

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