Thursday, June 22, 2023

DOOR: Jesus has opened the door of salvation to outsiders - Acts 13:46

When the next Sabbath came around, practically the whole city showed up to hear the Word of God. Some of the Jews, seeing the crowds, went wild with jealousy and tore into Paul, contradicting everything he was saying, making an ugly scene. But Paul and Barnabas didn’t back down. Standing their ground they said, “It was required that God’s Word be spoken first of all to you, the Jews. But seeing that you want no part of it—you’ve made it quite clear that you have no taste or inclination for eternal life—the door is open to all the outsiders. And we’re on our way through it, following orders, doing what God commanded when He said, I’ve set you up as light to all nations. You’ll proclaim salvation to the four winds and seven seas!” Acts 13:42-45 MSG

POEM: "I AM THE DOOR" by Deborah Ann Belka
He is the gateway
everyone has access
He is the only way.

Jesus is the entrance,
He is the opening
to the way of truth
He is life everlasting.

Jesus is the door,
He is the Bridgeway
to finding peace with God
He is the only doorway.

Jesus is the access,
He is the passageway
to mercy and forgiveness
He is the only entryway.

Jesus is the door,
He is the invitation
He offers to everyone
the only way to salvation! 

Praise & Prayer of thanks for the open door to eternal life
I sing Your praises, Lord Jesus, and thank You for being The Door of my salvation. Never will I take for granted the door to eternal life that You opened for me through Your selfless sacrifice and victory over the powers of death and darkness at the cross. My heart is filled with indescribable joy and living hope that no one can ever take from me. Holy Spirit, please guide an outsider across my path today, searching for the doorway to salvation. Use me as a light that points the way for them to see the open door to eternal life by believing and confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord. In His almighty name, I pray. Amen!

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