Thursday, October 19, 2023

GP: Grace and Peace come to you from God and Jesus - Philippians 1:2

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2 NIV

Praise & Prayer
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, I kneel in reverence to thank You for the precious gifts of grace and peace that enrich my life with living hope and inexpressible comfort. I praise You for showing sinners like me such undeserved favor and boundless mercy. Holy Spirit, please teach me to be a faithful servant of my Lord Jesus to my family and people in the marketplace. Use me this day to plant or water the good news of grace and peace in the heart of someone who is governed with fear by what they hear and see through the media. Please come to their deliverance, Lord Jesus, as we pray in Your mighty name,

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