Thursday, August 7, 2008

Today's Bible Promise - "Whatever we ask we receive from Him" 1 John 3:22

And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1 John 3:22

God hears my prayers and always gives what's best for me. Righteous Father, I come before Your throne with confidence, believing that, if I ask any thing according to Your will, You will hear and answer my prayer. I ask You to strengthen my faith when I am tested so that I stop doubting. I ask You to help me win family members and co-workers that are lost. I ask You to bless my work and teach me be a highly productive Christian in my workplace so I can be an effective witness. I ask You to help me manage my time so I can prioritize and focus on things that please You. I ask You to multiply my income that I may give more to Your kingdom and those in need. I ask for Your wisdom and guidance when faced with difficult decisions so that I know what You want me to do. I ask You to make me more like Jesus so I can be a light on a hill that shines for Jesus. In His holy name I pray

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