Monday, September 8, 2008

Today's Bible Promise - "His hand is stretched out still" Isa 5:25

Therefore the anger of the LORD is aroused against His people; He has stretched out His hand against them and stricken them, And the hills trembled. Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets. For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand is stretched out still. Isa 5:25

Regardless of how bad I blow it or the sin that I have committed, God is merciful and stretches out His hand of love to lift me up. Father, I appreciate the great mercy You have shown me and ask You to forgive all of my sin, hardness of heart and rebellions. Wash me with the blood of Jesus and give me a heart of flesh that obeys Your word and shuns to do what is sinful or evil. Lift me up and teach me to be strong in Christ Jesus. In His holy name I pray.

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