Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today's Bible Promise - "Blessed are you who sow" Isa. 32:20

Blessed are you who sow beside all waters, Who send out freely the feet of the ox and the donkey. Isa. 32:20

I will not be weary in well-doing, for in due season and in God's time, I shall reap a great reward in heaven. Stir me to O LORD to sow seeds of life by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ upon the waters of humanity that are lost and without hope in this world. Teach me to use freely the resources You've given me to bless my family, friends, co-workers and people that You place in my path. Remove from my heart all prejudice, racial discrimination, and hate. Help me to grounded in love laboring hard, giving freely and being rich in doing good to others as You have done from me in Christ Jesus. In His holy name I pray

Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Thinking not ’tis thrown away;
God Himself saith, thou shalt gather
It again some future day.

Cast thy bread upon the waters;
Wildly though the billows roll,
They but aid thee as thou toilest
Truth to spread from pole to pole.

Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Why wilt thou still doubting stand?
Bounteous shall God send the harvest
If thou sowest with liberal hand.

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