Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In His hand-Job 12:10

Do you believe that God is in control of all things? Does God give humans a free-will to choose to do what they want with their life? The answer is yes! The verse for today tells us that God reigns and everything is under His divine authority. This includes, your life, the universe, naturerains, winds, lightnings, earthquakes, wars, diseases, and breath itself. He is the sovereign ruler and creator of all who has the power to stop my lungs from breathing this very moment. We will never understand in this earthly life why He lets certain things happen on earth but He is the CREATOR and RIGHTFUL OWNER OF ALL THINGS. You may not see Him or recognize His hand is present but the one thing you must understand is that God created you and me for His glory and wants the best for you. He gave you a free will to love or reject Him and sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to show you how great His love is towards you. God is not out to destroy you like some may think. He is out to win your heart with His sacrificial love. Choose to surrender your life into His hand and you will begin to experience the glorious purpose He has planned for your life in Christ Jesus. 

Verse about God's sovereignty

The life of every living thing is in His hand, as well as the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10 HCS 

Prayer of submission to God

My God is sovereign and reigns over all. Mighty Father, I praise and thank You for the wonderful life that You have given me in Christ Jesus. I present my spirit, soul, and body as a living sacrifice and yield everything I have into Your hand. Do with me as You please that I may be a vessel of honor for my Lord Jesus in whose name I pray.

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