Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lord Almighty - 1 Kings 18:15

57 Bible verses about The Almighty - Learn more

Holy Scripture of the day about The Almighty

Elijah said, “As the Lord Almighty lives, whom I serve, I will surely present myself to Ahab today.” 1 Kings 18:15 NIV

Thought: Once God has spoken; Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God

Prayer for power from The Lord Almighty

Almighty Father, I thank You for reminding me through this verse that You are ALL-POWERFUL. Let Your power be shown in me two-ways. Give me the courage to not be afraid in proclaiming Your truth in love to influential leaders like Elijah did with king Ahab. Let me also experience Your power so I have the strength to help someone today who is going through a difficult situation in their life. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen

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