Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fresh Start - Lamentations 5:21

Powerful Holy Scripture of the day about a Fresh Start - Read more bible verses

Bring us back to you, God—we’re ready to come back. Give us a fresh start.  Lamentations 5:21 MSG

Belief: The God of love gives a second chance and a fresh start to all who come back to Him. Read more about the God of second chances

Prayer for a new beginning and fresh start in life

Thank You loving Father for receiving me back as one of Your children. My past failures no longer define me for I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit, stop me from committing sins that bring pain to others and myself. Give me a pure heart and change my heart way of thinking so I don't go back to my old ways. Lead me to someone today who is searching for a new start. Use me to help point them to Jesus who can make all things new. In His name I pray.

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