Monday, April 11, 2022

HELPER: Put your trust in God, your unfailing helper - Psalm 115:9

The word of hope for today is about putting your trust in God your helper - 26 verses about trusting God

But you, Israel: put your trust in God!—trust your Helper! trust your Ruler! Clan of Aaron, trust in God!—trust your Helper! trust your Ruler! You who fear God, trust in God!—trust your Helper! trust your Ruler! Psalm 115:9-11 MSG

QUOTE: "If the Lord is with you, you have no cause to fear. His eye is upon you, His arm over you, His ear open to your prayer, His grace sufficient, His promise unchangeable." - John Newton.

G.I.I.C. = GOD Is In Control

Praise and Prayer to trust in God my helper

Sovereign LORD, You are the mighty Ruler and control every conflict or dilemma I confront today. I bow to praise You for reminding me through this Psalm that You are my Helper, so I shall let go of my fears and worries! Please strengthen my faith Holy Spirit and use me this day to help inspire trust in God when my clan or friends encounter adversity. I pray for their deliverance and salvation in Jesus ' mighty name.

1 comment:

  1. "If the Lord is with you, you have no cause to fear. His eye is upon you, His arm over you, His ear open to your prayer, His grace sufficient, His promise unchangeable." Yes I liked this Quote.


CROWN: God will bless you with the crown of life if you endure testing and temptation - James 1:12

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those...