Tuesday, April 19, 2022

REST: You will find rest in the LORD - Psalm 116:7

The word of life for today about You will find rest in the LORD - Read 57 verses about REST.

Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. For you, Lord, have delivered me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,  that I may walk before the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 116:7-9 NIV 

Poem: "COME! I WILL GIVE YOU REST" ~Author Unknown~ (Matthew 11:28-30)
Come! I will give you rest,
Rest from your every care;
Come as you are, oppressed
With weakness and despair.

Come! I will give you rest,
Rest from the ceaseless strife;
Rest from the fear of death,
Rest from the din of life.

Come! I will rest impart,
Rest after toil and pain,
Rest to each trembling heart
Burdened with sin and shame.
*Read the rest of the poem by clicking HERE

Definition of REST: "Freedom from anxiety, work, toil, strain, or activity; The cessation of motion or action of any kind; Rest from mental exertion or rest of body or mind."


Praise and Prayer for Rest

Here I come again, Lord Jesus, to praise You for giving my soul rest and freeing me from the cares of this world that strained my heart and troubled my mind for too many years. Thank You for allowing me to experience supernatural rest the moment I confessed You as my LORD and asked You to come into my heart. You freed my mind from the fear of death. You wiped away my tears of sadness. You guided my feet onto the path of life that saved me from hanging with the wrong crowd. Holy Spirit, please help me depend upon the Lord instead of relying upon myself or others for rest. Guide someone across my path today who is feeling anxious and mentally disturbed. Lord Jesus, I ask You to please allow them to enter into Your amazing rest as we pray and call upon Your mighty name. Amen.

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