Wednesday, May 18, 2022

COMFORT: God's word brings comfort and gives you life - Psalm 119:50

Powerful truth about God's word gives you life - Read 83 verses about the power of God's living word

ZAYIN (verses 46-49. Zayin is the 7th letter in the Hebrew alphabet which means: sword; weapon; to arm; crown)

This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your Word has given me life. Psalm 119:50 NKJV

QUOTE: "Don't give up and never quit. The reward of eternal life is just around the corner. In times of affliction, listen for the Lord's soft voice that comforts you and arms you with the sword of victory."  - Hector Perez

Acronym for L.I.F.E.: Living In Faith Everyday

Praise & Prayer for comfort and life

Heavenly Father, I praise You for the comfort I receive from You through Your living Word that refreshes my soul. Lord Jesus, I appreciate the comfort and hope of eternal life that You give to all who receive You as their Lord and Savior. Holy Spirit, I thank You for being the Comforter of my soul who is with me through the thick and thin. Please arm me this day with the sword of victory and lead me to someone afflicted by physical illnesses or satanic lies. Use me to be a source of comfort and hope by pointing them to Christ Jesus, the living Word of God. In His mighty name, I pray. Hosanna!

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