Tuesday, May 17, 2022

SHAPED: God's love shapes your life - Psalm 119:41

The living word for today about God's love shapes your life.

Waw/Vaa (Is the 6th letter in the Hebrew alphabet which means: to hook; secure)

Let your love, God, shape my life with salvation, exactly as you promised; Then I’ll be able to stand up to mockery because I trusted your Word. Psalm 119:41-42 MSG

QUOTE: “Your riches take wings and will leave you. Your pleasures vanish in a second. Your material possessions are withering away. But, God's love never fades and will never fail you because God is love.”  - Hector Perez.

Praise & Prayer to experience God's love

Dear Father, all I can say is that You are an amazing God whose love shapes my life and makes it significant. I praise You for hooking me, securing me, and allowing me to experience Your unfailing love through Jesus, my Savior. Like the apostle Paul, I proclaim that nothing and no one can ever separate me from Your unfailing love that shapes and transforms my life. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to someone today who feels imperfect, lost, or unworthy of God's love. Help me share this life-changing promise about God's agape (complete, perfect, limitless) love by asking Christ Jesus to come into their hearts. Lord Jesus, please rain down Your precious love on them as we pray in Your mighty name. Amen!

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