Friday, May 20, 2022

GOOD: God turns afflictions in your life into good - Psalm 119:71

The living word for today about God turns afflictions in your life into good - Read 50 verses about God turns bad 

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees. The law from Your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. Psalm 119:71,72 NIV 

TETH - verses 65-72 (TETH is the 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet which means: "Good or Best"

Quote: "God turns bad things to work together for good if you choose to love Him." Apostle Paul.

Praise & Prayer

I praise You, Father God, for turning what the enemy (devil) meant for evil in my life into good. Please help me, Lord Jesus, hold on to Your living promises and not lose faith when I suffer affliction. Give me the strength to endure hardships and trust in God's statutes which are far more precious to me than money. Holy Spirit, please guide someone across my path today who is afflicted with despair. Use my care to strengthen their faith to keep trusting in the Lord, who turns our sorrows into joy. I ask this in Jesus' mighty name. Hosanna!

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