Friday, May 27, 2022

LAMP: The Word of God is a lamp for your feet - Psalm 119:105

The living word for today about the Word of God is a lamp for your feet - Read 19 verses about the light of Christ

Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 NIV

NUN - verses 105-112 (is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet which means: 1. Posterity - to propagate or greatly increase; 2. Fish - continued provision). 

Quote: "When the Word of God is planted in your heart, it becomes health to your bones, light to your path, bread for the hungry, map to the lost, and keys to closed doors." - T. B. Joshua.

Praise & Prayer for light

I praise You, Lord Jesus, for being the Light of the world who extinguishes all darkness in my life. No more blindness, no more hopelessness, no more stumbling, because You are the Lamp for my feet and light to my path. I ask You to please plant Your living Word in my heart so I can propagate Your Light, Your love, Your grace, and Your truth to my posterity. Please help me, Holy Spirit, be a radiant Light of Christ to someone today who is visionless. Use me to point them to Christ Jesus and cast out their darkness as we pray in His mighty name. Hosanna!

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