Monday, May 16, 2022

REVIVED: The Lord will revive you in righteousness - Psalm 119:40

The living word for today about The Lord will revive you - Read more verses about reviving 

HEH (Is the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet, which means - 'Here is; Behold; To be disturbed') 

Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me in Your righteousness. Psalm 119:40

QUOTE: "If God can revive the dead, He can revive your weary soul burdened with care." - Hector Perez

Praise & Prayer to be revived by the LORD

Loving Father, I praise You for being the God of the living and not of the dead. Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to revive me when I was dead in my trespasses and sin. Please revive the love of Christ in my heart so I may love others as He loves me. Please revive righteousness in my soul that I may aspire to do what is pleasing to You. Please revive my spirit with light so that I may be an instrument of hope to my family and people in the marketplace who are distressed. Please revive my tongue with Your truth that helps set people free from demonic falsehoods. Please guide me, Holy Spirit, someone today who feels like a walking dead person because they are separated from God. Lord Jesus, please do a miracle and revive their spirit, soul, and body as we call upon Your mighty name. Hosanna, save now, O LORD!

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