Wednesday, May 11, 2022

PURE: You will live a pure life by reading the map of God's Word - Psalm 119:9

The living word for today about You will live a pure life by reading the map of God's Word - Read 100 verses about being pure

How can a young person live a clean [pure] life? By carefully reading the map of Your Word. Psalm 119:9 NIV

QUOTE: "God would not rub so hard if it were not to fetch out the dirt that is ingrained in your nature. God loves a clean heart and purity so well He had rather see a hole than a spot in His child's garments." - William Gurnall.

Praise & Prayer to love purity like Jesus  

Lord Jesus, I praise You for being the spotless Lamb of God who never sinned. You alone are perfect in purity, holiness, and righteousness. Holy Spirit, please teach me to live a clean and pure life by treasuring God's Word in my heart and mind. Enable me to be single-minded in my pursuit of being more and more like Christ Jesus. Use me this day to help someone who is being bombarded with impure thoughts and ravaged by debauched fixations. I pray for their mental healing and emotional wellness as we pray and call upon the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Hosanna!

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