Monday, June 6, 2022

CLOSE BY: ADONAI (the Lord) is close by - Psalm 119:151

The living word for today about ADONAI (the Lord) is close by - Read 100 verses about God is near.

You are close by ADONAI; and all Your mitzvot (commands) are truth. Psalm 119:150,151 CJB

ADONAI is one of the names of God, which comes from the root word adon, meaning - "To rule; Lord;  Master." 

QOPH/KUF - is the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet which represents: Holiness (set aside for God. Read verses 145-152)  

QUOTE: "God is so close to me that not even air can come between us."  - Hector Perez 

Praise & Prayer  

I am grateful, Adonai, for Your promise to be close by. No matter what trouble I may be facing, I trust in Your infallible guarantee to never leave me nor forsake me. Lord Jesus, I want to experience greater closeness to You so that not even air come between us. Holy Spirit, Please guide someone across my path today who feels God is distant from them. Give me the right words to share that stir them to draw near to the Lord and experience His closeness as we pray in the holy and mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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