Thursday, June 16, 2022

LIFT: Lift your eyes to the Lord - Psalm 123:1

The word of hope for today is about lifting your eyes to the Lord - What does it mean to lift your eyes to the LORD?

Unto You I lift up my eyes, O You who dwell in the heavens. Psalm 123:1 NKJV

Quote: "When you lift your eyes to the Lord, He will lift you and take you to unprecedented heights!" - Hector Perez

Prayer to keep my eyes upon the LORD JESUS

Lord Jesus, my eyes are locked on You, for You alone have the wisdom, power, and solution to every problem and crisis I face in life. Please compel me, Holy Spirit, to keep fixing my eyes upon Jesus, the author, and perfecter of my faith. Gyude and use me to help someone today who is relying on people, drugs, sex, fame, or money and feels like ending their life. I pray for their salvation in the precious and mighty name of Christ Jesus.

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