Tuesday, July 19, 2022

GREATER: The Lord is greater than all gods and all your troubles - Psalm 135:5

The word of life for today about the LORD is greater than all gods and all your troubles - Click here to read more verses about the greatness of our God.

I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does whatever pleases Him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. Psalm 135:5-6 NIV

POEM: "THE GREATNESS OF GOD" by George Cuff***
O Lord, You know all about me;
With You there is no surprise.
My daily plans and activities
Are known before I arise.

I am surrounded by Your care,
Hemmed in before and behind.
What a tremendous love affair
You have with all mankind.

I am amazed You think about me,
Millions of times each day.
O that everyone could read
Or hear these words I say.

I cannot comprehend this love
Bestowed on fallen creation.
I praise You for leaving heaven above
To purchase my salvation. 

***Read more of George George Cuff's poem by clicking HERE

Worship & Prayer to be mindful of God's greatness

I bow in reverence to worship You, the Great and Awesome God who performs the impossible for those who love You. I praise You for reminding me through this promise that You are the Sovereign LORD who rules the affairs of humanity and has all things under control. Holy Spirit, please tattoo on the tablet of my heart this truth; "The Lord, my God, is greater than all gods of this world." Use me this day to help further the faith, love, and joy of God's people by reminding them of His Sovereignty and Omnipotence in Jesus' mighty name.

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