Monday, June 19, 2023

FREED: Through Jesus, you are freed from your sins - Acts 13:38

“Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through Him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses. Acts 13:38-39 NIV 

Poem: "FREEDOM FROM SIN" by Lisa-Jane La Grange.  
The strength of sin has been undone;
the battle is already won.
With Jesus, we were crucified
and sin’s predominance has died.

God’s grace has superseded all
the tendencies that make us fall.
A new creation we were made.
By Jesus blood the price was paid.

And now we live a brand new life
released from sin’s abhorrent strife.
The word of God transforms our minds
and frees us from the snare that binds.

Released to live a life of love
we’re drenched in blessings from above.
Like Jesus, we can choose to be,
because our hearts have been set free.

Praise & Prayer to be freed from sin through Jesus
I am free and no longer a prisoner of sin, hallelujah! I recall Your prayer on the cross, Lord Jesus, when You cried out in a loud voice, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." For countless years I had no clue the pain I caused Your heart by doing my own thing. Thank You for praying that prayer of forgiveness for me. With a grateful heart, I  praise You for setting me free from every sin and blessing me with a justification that is only possible through You. Holy Spirit, please guide someone across my path today who is bound by painful shackles of guilt and self-condemning thoughts. Use my care to open their heart to receive this truth and believe in Jesus who has the authority to forgive their sin and set them free. Make today the day of their salvation as we pray in the mighty name of JESUS.

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