Friday, June 16, 2023

PROMISES: God's promises always come true - Acts 13:32

And we’re here today bringing you good news: the Message that what God promised the fathers has come true for the children—for us! He raised Jesus, exactly as described in the second Psalm:
My Son! My very own Son!
Today I celebrate You!
“When God raised Him from the dead, He did it for good—no going back to that rot and decay for Him. That’s why Isaiah said, ‘I’ll give to all of you David’s guaranteed blessings.’ So also the psalmist’s prayer: ‘You’ll never let your Holy One see death’s rot and decay.’ 
Acts 13:32-35 MSG

TRUTH: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away." - Jesus Christ.

Poem: "HIS PROMISES NEVER DIE" by Catherine Pulsifer
God's promises never die,
Throughout the Bible revealed,
They cannot and will not defile,
Or ever be repealed.

The Lord never tells a lie,
His promises are never dead.
Our faith allows us to trust in Him,
To keep each precious word He’s said.

All we must do is believe
Which God promised we could do,
It’s written in His holy scriptures,
Believe in His blessed word that's true.

Praise & Prayer to trust in God's promises
Thank You, loving Father, for being a promise keeper. Lord Jesus, I praise and celebrate You for the 7,000+ promises in the Bible that provide answers to all my problems and give me the strength to never stop believing when I face trials and tribulations. Holy Spirit, please continue to enlarge my faith as I read and trust in God's promises when I'm in the valley or on the mountaintop. Use me to be an inspiration of hope to someone today who is doubting God's Word due to a personal crisis. Lift the burden from their heart and free them from despair as we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. 

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