Friday, June 2, 2023

HELP: God will provide you with help - Acts 13:5

Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit. They went to the city of Seleucia. Then they sailed from there to the island of Cyprus. When Barnabas and Saul came to the city of Salamis, they told the message of God in the Jewish synagogues. John Mark was with them to help. Acts 13:4-5 ERV 

Praise & Prayer of thanks for God's help
My help comes from Thee, O LORD. I thank You and am grateful for the marvelous ways You provide a family member, friend, or stranger to help me when I feel overwhelmed or discouraged. Holy Spirit, please engrave upon my heart this unerring truth; "My help comes from God," so I always learn to LOOK TO HIM FOR ANSWERS and CALL UPON OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST for supernatural power. Guide and use me this day to bring the message of God's help to someone who needs physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual care. 
I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, my Savior. 

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