Wednesday, August 2, 2023

NEAR: The LORD stands near you - Acts 23:11

The following night the LORD stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Acts 23:11

The Lord is always near,
Filling me with His perfect love that extinguishes all fear.
The Lord's sweet and calming voice,
Causes my heart to consciously rejoice.

The Lord is always near,
Even when I face storms that are severe.
The Lord's omnipresence,
Brings me constant luminescence.

The Lord is always near,
No matter what the devil does to interfere.
The Lord's perfect peace,
Causes all of my anxiety to cease.

The Lord is always near,
His light of glory makes my path increasingly clear.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
His abiding presence gives me supernatural strength.

Praise & Prayer to know the Lord is near
I have no fear in my heart, Lord Jesus, because You are always near. Regardless of the challenges, obstacles, or persecution I may encounter, nothing can ever separate me from Your everlasting love. Holy Spirit, please help me in becoming a bold witness of Jesus. Guide me to someone today who is experiencing deep loneliness and has nobody to depend on. Use my care to help them realize that Jesus is near and ready to save those who cry out for His help. Bring them into God's family as we pray together in Jesus' powerful name.

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