Monday, January 8, 2024

HOPE: Be strong in the hope you have in Christ - 1 Thessalonians 1:3

Every time we pray to God our Father, we thank Him for all that you have done because of your faith.  And we thank Him for the work you have done because of your love. And we thank Him that you continue to be strong because of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 ERV 

Jesus, my hope, my Savior true,
In times of hopelessness, I turn to You.
You infuse me with strength and grit when I feel weak,
Your word of life brings comfort when things look bleak. 

Jesus, my hope, my guiding Light,
In Your presence, all is made right.
Thank You for showing us mercy and grace,
Revealing God's love by coming to save the human race.
Click HERE to read more of this poem. 

Praise & Prayer
You, Lord Jesus, are my hope and strength. My eyes are fixed on You, the Author and Finisher of my faith. I praise You for Your everlasting love that motivates me to work for You and bring honor to our Heavenly Father. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to someone today who feels hopeless. Use me to help convey the strong hope God longs to give them through faith in Jesus Christ. I pray in His holy name.

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SUCCESSFUL: It is the LORD who allows you to be successful in life - Jeremiah 12:16

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