Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Renewed life-Ruth 4:15

How can you be renewed?  We see the awesome works of God and His renewing power working in nature year after year. Spring time is considered the time of renewal when we see new flower blossom, new trees sprouting, new plants come to life, and evidence of new possibilities. In the same matter, God wants to renew my life and make me a new creation that brings Him joy and glory. In Ephesians 4 we read that the first area God works to renew is my mind. I must learn to put off my old lifestyle or old ways which are corrupted by deceitful desires and be made new in the attitude of my mind. Jesus has both the power and desire to renew my life if I accept Him as my Lord and Savior. Do you want a new life and new start? Praying and asking God to renew you is the start button. 

Verse about renewal

He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.” Ruth 4:15 NIV

Prayer for renewal

I need to be renewed. Lord Jesus, I ask You to renew my strength that I may soar on wings like eagles. Renew my endurance that I may run and not grow weary. Renew my faith that I may walk and not be faint. Renew my love that I may be more like You in all that I say and do. In Your name I pray.

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CROWN: God will bless you with the crown of life if you endure testing and temptation - James 1:12

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