Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Lord blessed-Job 42:12

Are you blessed? Today's bible verse reveals the giving heart of God who blesses those who love Him. Its easy to focus on what you do not have instead of what you do have. Job suffered great loss in his lifetime that caused him deep depression but he never lost his faith. God honored Job's perseverance of faith and devotion even tough he experienced severe tragedy, physical sickness, financial bankruptcy, judgmental friends, and abandonment by family members. In the King James Version of the Bible, the words - bless, blessing, blessings, blessed, blessedness, blessest, and blesseth are mentioned 519 times. What does this mean? God longs to bless you more than you can ever ask or think. He demonstrated His desire to bless us by sacrificing His only begotten Son on the cross to die for our sins that we may have eternal riches in Heaven. If you have JESUS, you have life's greatest BLESSING

Promise for God's blessing

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters. Job 42:12-13

Prayer for God's blessing

I am blessed beyond measure in Jesus Christ. Gracious Father, thank You for loving me, forgiving me, and giving me eternal riches in Christ Jesus. Bless O LORD the latter chapter of my life more than my former part. Give me spiritual resolve like Job to press on and not lose faith in hard times that I may be a true witness of Your goodness by being a faithful believer unto the end of my days. In Jesus' name I pray. 

1 comment:

  1. A gift for you.
    The true word of God John 1:1 is now delivered Rev 12:5 at this website http://thegoodtale.blogspot.com. I was commanded to restore the true word from the wilderness Rev 12:6 to prepare a people. Our heavenly Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer7:31, Jer 19:5.
    Turn your heart to the children of God. God chose a woman to be the prophet like unto Moses and Elijah Matt 17:3, Acts 3:21-23, Luke 1:17. A righteous judge gathers ALL evidence BEFORE making a judgment. The proof is in the hearing, prove ALL things. All mysteries of God are now restored.


GOOD: Everything good that you have comes from the Father of Lights - James 1:17

My dear brothers and sisters, don’t be fooled about this . Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from Him. These good gifts ...