Friday, May 31, 2019

INVITATION: You are invited to the banquet of heaven – Matthew 22:10

Holy scripture for today about being invited to the banquet of heaven – Learn more

“Then he told his servants, ‘We have a wedding banquet all prepared but no guests. The ones I invited weren’t up to it. Go out into the busiest intersections in town and invite anyone you find to the banquet.’ The servants went out on the streets and rounded up everyone they laid eyes on, good and bad, regardless. And so the banquet was on—every place filled. Matthew 22:8-10 MSG

Truth:  “Jesus extends to you an exclusive invitation to His wedding banquet in heaven and a seat at His table of unconditional love. Many get invited, however only a few will make it.” - Hector Perez


Prayer of the day

Who am I, Lord Jesus that You should invite to Your wedding banquet? I come as an invited guest to sit at Your table of love where my heart finds fullness of joy and my soul experiences amazing kindness. Lead me Holy Spirit to someone today who feels a like a reject that nobody cares about. Use my compassion to help them perceive the great value Jesus places on the good, the bad, and the ugly. Compel them to accept Jesus’ invitation and enter His banquet. Amen

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PATIENT: Stand firm and be patient for the Lord's coming is near - James 5:8

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently...