Friday, April 1, 2022

MIGHTY: Fear the Lord, and your children will be mighty - Psalm 112:2

The word of truth for today about Fear the Lord, and your children will be mighty - Read 24 verses about children

Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in His commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever. Psalm 112:1-3 NIV

POEM: "Destined for a Fall" by Perry Boardman
There was a people long ago
Who had great riches, wealth untold;
They built a city with a wall,
A kingdom they thought would never fall.

How they labored unceasingly
To lay up treasure increasingly;
They gave no thought to what lay beyond,
That their kingdom would someday be gone.

But one by one the stones came down;
The city was leveled to the ground,
No more fortune to be found,
No one left to wear a crown.

The mighty kingdom fell at last;
Its beauty's gone, its pleasure's past;
All was lost they sought to gain,
Their lives were wasted, their labor vain.

You can build a kingdom with a mighty wall,
But like the kingdom long ago, it is destined for a fall,
Unless Christ the Lord becomes your Mighty King
And ruler of everything.


I praise You, Holy Father, for this awesome promise that You will bless my children and make them mighty in the LAND if I fear You and delight in Your commands. I pray Your blessing upon my children and ask You to please make them mighty in LOVE so they revere Your name and experience Your favor. Please help my children be mighty in RIGHTEOUSNESS by giving them a heart that desires to please You. Please teach my children to be mighty in HOPE and not give up when they suffer tribulations. Finally, I ask You to make my children mighty in the FAITH, so they persevere unto the end and are welcomed by You into Your eternal Kingdom as mighty Christian VICTORS. I pray in Jesus' mighty name. 

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