Wednesday, June 1, 2022

SALVATION: Keep looking for the Lord's salvation - Psalm 119:123

The word of life for today is about looking for the Lord's salvation - Read 88 verses about salvation.

My eyes fail, looking for Your salvation, looking for Your righteous promise. Psalm 119:123 NIV

AYIN - is the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet which means: 1. Eyes 2. Salvation (verses 121-128) 

QUOTE: "Salvation is only possible through a cross and faith in the One who was crucified for you, Christ Jesus." - Hector Perez.

Praise & Prayer for today

Heavenly Father, I kneel to thank You for opening my eyes to see Your wonderful salvation in Christ Jesus, my Savior. Lord Jesus, no longer do my eyes fail in seeing Your salvation. You are the Righteous, Perfect, and Promised Messiah who conquered the powers of hell and destroyed the terror of death at the cross of Calvary. Please lead me, Holy Spirit, to someone today that is blinded by the evil one and has never seen the Lord's salvation. Use me to help open their eyes to see and believe in Jesus, the Savior of the world. Hosanna!

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